



The school also received money from central government funds via the Local Authority for special types of expenditure as shown below:

Item Expenditure

Administrative support 2244

Books for Schools 2828

Drugs Prevention 60

School Improvement - targeted 16283

School Self-Improvement 9926

SEN Policies 690

Summer Literacy Conferences 230

Summer Literacy School 11000

Training - Vocational Qualifications 4900

Working Environment 1843


No expenses were paid from the delegated budget to governors for travel or subsistence costs.

From our local community

The school has worked in close co-operation with Boston Borough Council and has had the benefit of funds from the borough's Single Regeneration Budget. As a result, we have been able to provide additional courses for our pupils, such as the intensive examination residential revision course for pupils in Year 11.

The Haven High School also considers itself very fortunate in having a large and growing number of local businesses who support the school through our Work Experience and Work Related Learning programme for pupils in Years 10 and 11. These businesses provide a significant amount of time, expertise and resources to give our pupils valuable experience of the world of work. We have been particularly pleased to start developing links with FinnForest.

Many other sponsors, too numerous to mention here, have given their time and their expertise to support the pupils in their school activities and for all these we would like to record our sincere thanks and appreciation.

From The Haven High School Association

Each year, the tireless efforts of parents and staff have raised funds and organised special events for the benefit of pupils at the school. Through the work of the Association, the school has once again been able to purchase equipment for extra-curricular clubs and major gifts to support the Code of Conduct.

The staff, pupils and governors are extremely grateful for all the support they have received in these different ways.


The pupils at The Haven High School, including those who have special educational needs, follow the full National Curriculum and all teachers plan their classroom activities and homework assignments to match the abilities of the pupils.

The school benefits particularly from the skills and experience of teachers who have specialist qualifications in working with pupils who may have general learning difficulties and those who may experience some emotional or behavioural problems. In addition to the teaching staff, pupils are supported in their work by classroom assistants and ancillary assistants. The school makes extensive use of further specialist help available from various sections of the County Council such as the Emotional and Behavioural Support Service and the Sensory Impaired Services.

Each year the school spends a significant part of its annual budget on teaching pupils in small groups and low class sizes so that extra support can be given. During the last school year funds have been spent on providing specialist equipment and materials for our successful work on reading improvement programmes. A specially appointed Literacy Consultant advises and supports the school drive to raise levels of literacy, focusing particularly on pupils in Key Stage 3.

The governing body of The Haven High School fully endorses the support for pupils with special education needs and takes a particular interest in this work.

A copy of the school policy on these matters is available from the school.


The Haven High School is unique amongst the county's secondary schools, in that it is a single storey building with the exception of two teaching rooms. This makes the school ideally placed to cater for those pupils who are disabled and have difficulties with mobility.


Sport continues to play an essential part of school life at Haven High. We are fortunate in having excellent facilities and through these we aim to promote the physical, creative, social and moral development of our pupils. Pupils are encouraged to adopt a healthy lifestyle through good practice, knowledge and understanding. There are many opportunities for pupils to be involved in extra curricular competitive sporting activities, with the school entering teams in all the major district and league fixtures. Further details of our sporting programme is available in the school prospectus.


A range of activities are available at lunchtime and after school. Besides badminton, basketball, table tennis, netball, football, softball, hockey, rugby and fitness training, there are various clubs that meet, choirs and musical ensembles, story reading, computers and the internet to name just a few. Police Authority Funds provide for extra lunchtime and after-school sports clubs. The school's popular Saturday School of Sport gives extra coaching opportunities to Haven High pupils.

Events to support a range of cultural activities have been a recent focus for the school. Trips abroad and to museums, sculpture parks, and musical shows feature in the school calendar. Regular evening trips to provincial theatres take place throughout the year. The school also allocates a number of days each year when the normal school timetable is replaced by extra curricular activities such as sporting activities, hobbies or interests.

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